La via delle sorelle

Mappa interattiva


Artistic installations

In various points you will find works of art installed in nature or in sites of cultural and historical value, created by artists who have been inspired by the values ​​of the journey, by the uniqueness and beauty of the places, traditions, people who live there. places. The works of art are of a permanent nature, you can only reach them on foot, they respect the environment and are sustainable: many of these were created using local materials and in dialogue with local workers and companies, in a virtuous circuit of support and promotion of local excellence.

Submit your artwork


Sul cammino ci sono dei cantieri in corso. Nel link trovate l’elenco e le tracce alternative per evitarli in base alla città di partenza: LINK



There is some construction going on along the way. In the link you will find the list and alternative routes to avoid them: LINK

Thank you!